I am currently a PhD candidate in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), supervised by Prof. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong.
I received my BSc degree in Computer Science in Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) in 2020. My undergraduate research was supervised by Prof. Jiming Liu.
From Septembers 2018 to January 2019, I was an exchange student at Leiden University in the Netherlands.
Research Interest
My research interest lies in spatial databases. My current focus is on finding the shortest path on 3D models efficiently.
- PhD, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology [Aug 2020 - Present] Hong Kong, China
- Supervisor: Prof. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong
- BSc, Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University [Aug 2016 - Jul 2020] Hong Kong, China
- First class honours
- Supervisor: Prof. Jiming Liu
- Top 2% of the class
- Exchange student, Leiden University [Sep 2018 - Jan 2019] Leiden, the Netherlands
- Exchange
Research Experience
- Research Intern, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology [Jan 2020 – Aug 2020] Hong Kong, China
- Supervisor: Prof. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong
- Research Intern, School of Information Studies, McGill University [June 2019 - Aug 2019] Montreal, Canada
- Supervisor: Prof. Benjamin Fung and Dr. William Kwok Wai Cheung
- Area: Deep learning for cybersecurity and vulnerability analysis
Work Experience
- Intern, Information Technology Department & Student Services Department, UNSW Global Pty. Limited [June 2018 - Aug 2018] Sydney, Australia
- Involved in annual stocktake
- Helped with incoming students’ orientation
- Designed buttons for the intranet using Photoshop
- Participated in software registration by Excel
- Intern, Sinochem International Tendering Co. Limited [June 2017 - July 2017] Beijing, China
- Wrote tendering documents
- Contributed in tender opening & evaluation meeting
- Published tendering announcement by ‘China Bidding’ Website
- Participated in financial management
- Intern, Uranus International Education Co. Limited (Prudential) [Jan 2017 - June 2017] Hong Kong, China
- Created a public website for the company
- Engaged in writing PRU Quote for client
- Responsible for classifying curriculum vitaes by Excel
- Drew up an invitation by MAKA
Awards and Scholarships
HKUST RedBird Academic Excellence Award for Continuing PhD Students HKD 20000 (acceptance 68/6842 = 0.99%) provided by HKUST [2024]
Research Travel Grant for SIGMOD 2024 HKD 13500 (acceptance 10/200 = 5%) provided by HKUST [2024]
Research Travel Grant for MDM 2024 HKD 11000 (acceptance 10/200 = 5%) provided by HKUST [2024]
MDM 2024 Award EUR 1100 = HKD 9300 (acceptance 5/21 = 23.81%) provided by MDM 2024 [2024]
Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Scholarships HKD 8000 (acceptance 3/6842 = 0.04%) provided by HKUST [2024]
SIGMOD 2024 Travel Grant USD 1000 = HKD 7800 (acceptance 10/213 = 4.69%) provided by SIGMOD 2024 [2024]
MDM 2024 Best Paper Award (acceptance 1/21 = 4.76%) provided by MDM 2024
VLDB 2021 SPEND attendance support EUR 1500 = HKD 11700 (acceptance 20/170 = 11.76%) provided by VLDB 2021 [2021]
Postgraduate Studentship HKD 18390 per month (acceptance 440/300000 = 0.15%) provided by HKUST [2020 - 2024]
Faculty of Science Overseas Summer Research Scholarship Scheme HKD 30000 (acceptance 3/200 = 1.5%) provided by HKBU [2019]
Former Civil Engineering Department Head Dr. Yan Sze Kwan Memorial Scholarship HKD 20000 (acceptance 1/10000 = 0.01%) provided by HKBU [2019]
Student Exchange Programme Sponsorship HKD 20000 (acceptance 200/10000 = 2%) provided by HKBU [2019]
Vincent Woo Scholarship Scheme for Outstanding Mainland Students HKD 10000 (acceptance 2/10000 = 0.02%) provided by HKBU [2019]
Computer Science Department Alumni Scholarship HKD 1000 (acceptance 3/200 = 1.5%) provided by HKBU [2019]
HKSAR Government Reaching Out Award HKD 10000 (acceptance 200/10000 = 2%) provided by HKSAR government [2018]
Student Scholarships Scheme HKD 8400 (acceptance 50/5000 = 1%) provided by HKBU [2018]
Outstanding Student Scholarship HKD 6000 (acceptance 10/200 = 5%) provided by HKBU [2018]
Mingxi Youth Award Scheme HKD 5000 (acceptance 10/200 = 5%) provided by Mingxi foundation [2018]
Departmental Scholarship Scheme in Metropolitan Attachment Programme HKD 2000 (acceptance 2/200 = 1%) provided by HKBU [2018]
Computer Science Department Alumni Scholarship HKD 1000 (acceptance 3/200 = 1.5%) provided by HKBU [2018]
Undergraduate Scholarship in Computer Science HKD 12000 (acceptance 10/200 = 5%) provided by HKBU [2017]
Program Committee: SIGMOD24 (Availability & Reproducibility Initiative)
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant, MSBD 5002 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery HKUST (Spring 2025)
Teaching Assistant, COMP 1942 Exploring and Visualizing Data HKUST (Spring 2025)
Teaching Assistant, MSBD 5002 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery HKUST (Spring 2024)
Teaching Assistant, COMP 5331 Knowledge Discovery in Databases HKUST (Fall 2023)
Teaching Assistant, CSIT 5210 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery HKUST (Fall 2023)
Teaching Assistant, CORE 1232 Exploring and Visualizing Data HKUST (Spring 2023)
Teaching Assistant, COMP 1942 Exploring and Visualizing Data HKUST (Spring 2022)
Teaching Assistant, COMP 1942 Exploring and Visualizing Data HKUST (Spring 2021)
Assistant, COMP 2016 Database Management HKBU (Spring 2020)
Assistant, COMP 1005 Essence of Computing HKBU (Fall 2019)
Assistant, COMP 1005 Essence of Computing HKBU (Spring 2019)
Assistant, COMP 1005 Essence of Computing HKBU (Spring 2018)
Assistant, COMP 1005 Essence of Computing HKBU (Fall 2017)
First-runner-up of IEEE (HK) Computational Intelligence Chapter FYP and PG Paper Competition [Dec 2020]
YDC Dare To Change Business Pitch Competition [April 2018]
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Joint Student Chapters Competition [April 2018]
Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, SQL and LaTeX
Languages: English (fluent), Mandarin (native) and Cantonese (fluent)